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When it comes to trading stocks, shares, bonds and investments, people used to have to travel all across the world. They would spend a fortune on phone calls, travel tickets and fuel, just so they could arrange to open terminals to make deals, buy products, sell shares and bonds, or whichever source they were going to deal with. However, this is no longer the case, thanks to the new modern world of technology, we can do these tasks in a much simpler manner. We no longer need to pay out such expenses to secure deals, and sales of products, we can do it from the comfort of our own offices, work places and even homes. You could even secure yourself any amount of shares in a company by sitting with your laptop in your local internet cafe or coffee shop. It's fair to say the times have changed, and in the business world, its certainly for the better. Now selling shares, stock, gas, oil and other products is as easy as the click of a button. You can sit at your home computer open your very own Trading Account, and have your very own trading platform software. A lot of traders have avoided using software, as when it first arrived it seemed quite complex and complicated to run, but over time, things have improved drastically. Of course like with any new invention in a subject area, people continue to use the old fashioned methods until there is enough evidence to show that the ways are working, and if they are working more efficiently and if they have more benefits. There are numerous amazing benefits of using trading accounts with your own trading software. The main ones being you can trade anything you wish from your own computer or laptop, without any expenses taking place. Where trading software has become a lot easier to use in recent years, thousands of people all over the world are using it, and it's even encouraged many new traders to get on board with Forex trading. The new era of trading is certainly here, as you can literally be set up for business within one day, and you can start investing and selling shares right away. There are numerous companies offering different trading accounts and platforms, but what you need to make sure of is you go with a company that has great customer service, and even tutorials on how to use the platforms to your advantage every time, and how to use them effectively. One company that offers extensive customer service and outstanding trading platforms is Spectrum Live. Spectrum Live have provided traders from all over the globe with an amazing service, so that every beginner, intermediate and expert trader can get the most out of online trading quick as possible. Spectrum Live offer great trading accounts and tutorials on how to run the platform in its most effective manner. Trading has never been easier than it is today, you can view all statistics and details as you trade, and see all currencies in their most up to date state as you trade with Spectrum Live.